Phone: 907-322-2903

Valdez/Chugach Mountains

The Legends are True

March - April

In March and April we offer services out of Thompson Pass and the Valdez Airport. The Chugach Mountains in this area offer some of the best snow on the planet. There are a number of places we can take you for day riding or putting up a basecamp.

If only one place existed as the backcountry skiing Mecca of Alaska, Valdez would be it. Snow and mountains cover the lion’s share of the Great State so there is no shortage of ski terrain in many different locations. But when considering desirable terrain, snowpack and accessibility, Thompson Pass is absolutely unrivaled. From foot access touring to snowmachining to helicopter skiing, Valdez has been the central focus point for all things skiing and snowboarding in Alaska for the last three decades.

During the golden age of Chugach exploration in the 80’s and 90’s, there existed the opportunity for backcountry users to access the mountains with fixed wing aircraft. But that had all but disappeared moving into the 21st century. Even Bob Reeve landed on glaciers in Valdez in the 1920’s! And for almost 20 years now, ski plane operations on Thompson Pass have seemingly gone the way of the dinosaur. Until now…

Tok Air Service now has two fixed wing aircraft (a Super Cub and Cessna 185) based out of two locations (the pass and in town) during prime season, ideal for launching multi-week glacier camps, fly in-ski out missions, or any other type of expedition you can think of. Opportunity is now only limited by your imagination.

From legendary and well-known zones like The Tusk or The Books to the remote and relatively unexplored Dora Keens, TAS can take you near and far. It can be your escape to get up and away from the crowds that dominate the pass or it can be your ride to the party. If guided heli skiing doesn’t appeal to your wallet or your self-sufficient approach to moving through the mountains, ski plane access in the backcountry Mecca of Alaska will be your ticket to the freedom of the hills.

Available Activities
