Phone: 907-322-2903
"Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue." — John Muir

Alaska Skiing / Splitboarding

Skiing / Splitboarding Access Options

The Gist

Welcome to some of the best snow on the planet. We are passionate about safely riding in the mountains. We have completed level 1 Avalanche Training and personally enjoy split-boarding, A-T skiing, and telemark skiing. We seek out the best snow and weather conditions in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park, the Chugach Mountains out of Valdez, and the Eastern Alaska Range. With extensive experience in each area, we take riders of every level into zones that offer the "ride of your life". Whether it is a daytrip, or a multi-day glacier camp let us help you get away from the helicopters and snowmachines.

Available Locations

Alaska backcountry skiing