Many of the Alaska hunts supported by Tok Air Service occur on Federal National Park Service lands. Often the Tok Air Service Fortymile caribou hunts are within the boundaries of the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. The Yukon-Charley/Tanana Hills sheep hunt is within the boundaries of the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. The Wrangell Mountains and Nutzotin Mountains sheep hunts supported by Tok Air Service are within the boundaries of the Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve. The National Park Service has specific regulations regarding food storage, bear safety, human waste, campfires and camping. Please carefully review the Park specific information that is detailed in this section. This information is valuable to hunters not just on Park Service land, but whenever you are out enjoying the 'Wilds of Alaska.'
Adequate precautions shall be taken to guard against human/bear encounters. Unattended food caches are not permitted, except when they are associated with an on-going trip and/or occupied campsite or secured in a bear resistant manner. Unattended food and garbage must be properly secured from bears and other wildlife by using National Park Service (NPS) approved bear resistant food containers; suspending items at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet horizontally from a tree trunk; or by other techniques subject to NPS approval. Approved bear resistant food containers for Federal Lands can be reached at
Ursack, bear containers are approved by the NPS.
Tok Air Service recommends the Ursack bear containers because they are lightweight and less bulky than bear barrels.
The intent of these designations is to prevent bears and other wildlife from obtaining and becoming conditioned to food and garbage, thus protecting wildlife and park visitors alike. Unapproved Ice chests and coolers, tents, dry bags or stuff sacks, plastic packing boxes (Totes, Action Packers, etc.) and unmodified kayaks are not approved as BRC. The park offers, at no charge, bear resistant containers for temporary use to the public. A refundable deposit is required, and the containers can be obtained at the park's visitor center in Copper Center, and in Slana AK.
All trash (tin foil, food, glass, and cans) must be removed from the fire site after use.
TO SUM ALL OF THIS UP: LEAVE NO TRACE and use a Ursack bear resistant container. Bury human waste, burn your toilet paper, and hang your food in a tree or use a bear resistant container.